Thursday, November 19, 2009

Unnerware Anniversary

I know I said I would post things we can all do to defend the cause of orphaned children. And I will. this post is dedicated to our little girl who we have affectionately nicknamed The Pistol Princess:

A week ago today Jocelyn started wearing big girls underwear. Or as she likes to call them... unnernare. She just kind of self potty trained (don't you just hate it when that happens?).

For some time now she has wanted to use the "potty". But with all the transitioning, we haven't wanted to overwhelm her or stress her out. I have put her on the potty for fun and so she could get used to balancing on the toilet seat (I have no intention of buying a potty chair).

So last Tuesday I decided to see what would happen if I spent the day doing a little potty training. She did very well if you don't include me misinterpreting one of her signals which resulted in a ummm...well...ummm... a "present" in the dining room. I had to cover my mouth to keep from showing my shock. I didn't want her to think I was upset with her.

"What can I say Mom? I thought you got my signal."

We only had one more glitch on Wednesday so Thursday I took her out and bought her her very first set of unnernare. She wasn't too sure what to think the first day but now she points to them and says "pretty". The only time she wears her diaper now is for nap time and bed time.

For those of you looking for advice on potty training...are you kidding? This first time still adapting to motherhood mom has no clue how to potty train. This is one of the advantages to having a Pistol Princess for a daughter. No one is going to tell her she can't go potty like a big girl!

"I will go potty like big girl Mommy!"

The following message is from Jocelyn:

"I'm calling on all toddlers to give up their diaper wear n' ways and put on a pair of unnernare!"

"I mean who needs a diaper when unnernare are so pretty?"

Your fellow toddler,

The Pistol Princess


  1. Great Post! Her expressions are classic!

  2. I so love this - it takes me back in precious memories...


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